Bowling in High School

Bowling Team with Coach Dave and Coach Steve

The East Noble High School Girls Bowling team started off in the best way possible with winning the Girls Conference, and by almost beating the Eastside Blazers in total pin count. With the winning of conference, the girls went on to Regional but sadly didn’t make it on. They placed fourth out of thirteen teams. If they had gotten third, they would have made it but missed the spot by 54 pins which concluded the end of the season. When girls made conference, it was the first time in 5 years they had beat all 4 teams and moved on. The boys team didn’t make conference and that ended their season.

On the importance of East Noble Teams, we need more people signing up for the program. With more people, that means more teams can be sent on to conference and so on. If you are planning on going to college, make the bowling team. Literally people are looking more at bowling participants than any other sport that is known. You can get more scholarships just from doing bowling. When the conference and state competitions are over, there is a big party with pizza and desserts for everyone who participated in the season; even the high schoolers’ families are able to come and enjoy the after-party. They also give out awards if you get high game or high series, or any other important score.